Monday, January 7, 2013

2012- What a year!

As we enter the second week of January, I can't believe how fast 2012 went..and how little I blogged- definite fail on my part. I'm not big into new year's resolutions because they usually end up working out about as well as my blogging skills last year, but I'm promising myself I'll blog more in 2013. Even if it's just for me :) I decided I would start fresh this new year with a look at 2012 in pics- so be warned, there's quite a few of them! 

We started 2012 off with a trip to California for the youth leaders' conference we go to every year at a bible college there. We met some great people from TX the year before, and hung out with them again this time. The weather was great and so were the teachings and new people we met!

February brought our son's 4th birthday!:

March blew in a girls' night at my house (plus our Boogs)...

...a really fun day at Baton Rouge Zoo...

..and a very special trip home to see my parents and grandma, who hadn't seen Boogs since he was 2! 

My Gran and I at the beach:

Boogs enjoying some Florida sunshine!

In April, we moved into our new home, after 6 months of renovation- this is a picture of the new floors that took so much time!

May meant the end of preschool days at the school Boogs had gone to for three years (he did Mom's Day Out for two years and then PreK3 there). It was hard to say goodbye, but we looked forward to a new school in the fall. He had to do his pouty face on the last day-

We also visited France..but only for the afternoon at a birthday party. How cute was this idea??

June brought the start of summer and long days filled with sunshine, friends, and fun! Boogs cruising the Boardwalk with his girl (we've kind of arranged their marriage already..hopefully they agree! haha!):

Crazy days at home waiting for the pool to open!

July meant heat, heat, heat, and youth summer camp! This year we took the youth to TX and they had an absolute blast playing zombie tag, bouncing each other off "the Blob" into the lake, and staying up way too took us adults about a week to get over it!

Silly evenings with daddy at the Boardwalk:

My father-in-law cut down a massive tree using a chain saw and car was a conversation piece (and prop for pics I guess) for weeks. This is the hubs (right) and his youngest brother enjoying an evening after swimming:

One of the few pics with all three of us in it:

August brought another trip to Florida for my dad and sister's birthdays and some much needed time at the beach!

..and a new toy for daddy. Yikes...

 September eventually came, along with school routines, new beginnings, and my first job since Boogs was born. We were ready! Boog's first day of PreK4:

We had a 50's party for my dad-in-law who turned 50- it was a great night with friends and family celebrating a wonderful man!

October brought our last trip home to Florida for the year to celebrate the hubs' birthday...

..a few fishing days with daddy...

...seeing the Duck Dynasty folks...

...and probably one of my favorite memories of 2012- a trip to Cali with my sweet friends for the pastor's wives conference. We had an amazing time connecting with each other and the Lord while riding bikes around Coronado, laughing at our goofiness, and hearing wonderful teachings and times of worship with hundreds of other women. What a blast!

November brought some wonderful times with friends and family. Whether it was hunting...

car rides...

evenings at the lake...

or moving into the new church- we made some wonderful memories!

And then it was December. We had a truly beautiful holiday season, celebrating the birth of our Savior and a blessed year full of wonderful memories.

We ended 2012 with a bonfire and fireworks with some of our dearest friends..what more could you ask for?

I hope everyone's 2012 was as blessed as our's, and that your 2013 is even better! My mantra for the year: Love Jesus, love others, be good to yourself. God bless your new year! 

(the only pic of myself from 2012 that I'd post online :) )