Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New beginnings...

Today was the first day of PreK for Boogs, and the first day of work (at his preschool) for me! I taught preschool for four years before he was born, and kept thinking how great it would be if I could go back while he was in PreK. He  went last year to the school I taught at, and then this summer, I found out that a local church was hiring for preschool and thought I should go talk to the director. It ended up being exactly what I was looking for and so Aidan switched schools (which was hard for both of us, since we both loved his old school, but it ended up being wonderful) to be at the same school with me. Here's his first day pic (sorry so dark..he's the one on the left):

His teacher said he had a great day and that he asked a little boy that no one else was playing with if he wanted to come play with him...I think my heart melted. I love that boy! My day was pretty hectic and crazy, but we all got through it and it (usually..) gets easier after the first day. I was actually surprised how well they did and how few tears were shed! 
   We made our last summer trip to FL the second week of August. It's always bittersweet to say goodbye to summer at the beach. You know it'll be waiting for you next summer, but we had so many sweet memories there this summer with my family and friends. Here's a great pic of Boogs at the beach with the puffer fish daddy caught:

..and Daddy at the beach:

...and me and my little sis shopping (I'm not sure what my face is about right here..very weird look, but she's seriously the cutest chick ever):

..and the last is a very blurry pic of my dad at his birthday dinner..very serious of course:

This truly was one of the best summers ever, and I'm so excited for the fall! I've been Pinteresting away my time and can't wait to throw some type of autumn party to actually do some of the million ideas I have! Have a wonderful week everyone!